To expand on Mike's report, it was like a WW&F Ry version of the Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day. We keep relaying the same track over and over. This time it was because Carl thought the track we laid last year was too high. This time we got back to where we ended last year, including the switch. Brad, if you see a nearly new John Deere in Mike's backyard urge him to bring it back. I think Mike went for coffee in the tractor he enjoyed it so much. We actually got a lot done with just five of us - Steve Smith, Bob Gabriel, Gawdon, Mike and myself.
I think we need to open the discussion again about helping the Albion group, which only consists of Carl and Phil, more. Nothing got done there since we visited in November 2007 other than lifting the track we put down.
I think we got a lot done today with only five people and no adult supervision. It again makes me proud to be a part of this group.
PS to Duncan - bummer, no kielbasa today. It was ham at the Alna V.F.D. though it was a nice breakfast.