ah, Bolivia 
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Stephen Hussar wrote:How about some narrow gauge in Bolivia?! This is a remote place where a proposed railroad terminal was to be built but the money ran out...many, many years ago. Any guesses as to what gauge it is?

Glenn Christensen replied:Hi Steve,
I guess 30" gauge.
Best Regards,
Stephen Hussar replied:"would you believe 39.3 inches?!"

Steve Klare replied:Stephen,
I take your 39.3 inches and raise it to 39.37 for an even Meter!
(...very European!)
Did you go there yourself?
I was on Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East a few years ago and out the bus window I saw the place was swarming with 42" gauge. The problem was being that the locals would get very bent about an American snooping around their railroad and I was with a group, I never got close enough to even snap a picture.
Now they are getting ready to convert it all to 60" gauge (...too close to 56.5" to matter).
What an opportunity I lost!
PS: The Japanese built the 42" lines since It was their Standard Gauge, but the Soviets sent them packing at the end of WW2 and it's been part of Russia ever since.