Author Topic: S. D. Warren railroad  (Read 3873 times)

Ed Lecuyer

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S. D. Warren railroad
« on: June 16, 2009, 09:14:03 PM »
S. D. Warren railroad has been converted from the pre-July 2008 WW&F Discussion Forum.
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Mark Hendrickson wrote:
I was rereading Ellis Walker's Musings book and in Two-foot musing #5.  there is talk that the Cumberland Mills railroad was 10 miles long.  Does anyone know where the line ran.  Or if there a any remains in Westbrook.
10 miles seems along way for one of S.D.Warren's tank engines to venture.


Mike Fox replied:
10 miles does seem long. But if you start figuring sidings and all it might be right. I have not seen anything down that way as far as remains. But I am not sure exactly where it went. Everything is Standard Gauge now of course. And not much traffic. The plant is all but shut down now.
Ed Lecuyer
Moderator, WW&F Forum