Author Topic: Edaville on RFDTV on Dish Network  (Read 3542 times)

Ed Lecuyer

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Edaville on RFDTV on Dish Network
« on: June 16, 2009, 09:09:27 PM »
Edaville on RFDTV on Dish Network has been converted from the pre-July 2008 WW&F Discussion Forum.
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ekmissal wrote:
This morning on RFDTV on Dish Network there is a show called trains and locomotives that featured Edaville. They had video footage from the B&SR and B & H from the 30's and 40's. It was a really interesting look at Edaville and the Maine 2 Footers. They showed some photos of #'s 9 and 10 in their previous lives. There is a schedule on their website. It is going to be shown on Monday and Tuesday again. It was put out by Marc Balken productions.

Ira Schreiber replied:
The video on RFDTV was a Mark I video. The owner, Marc Balkin, passed away about two weeks ago. His obit was posted at

Jon Dandridge replied:
Until a couple of years ago we had the Dish and I used to enjoy the RR shows (Machines of Iron) on RFD-TV, plus the antique tractor shows (I have a '49 Ford 8N). Unfortunately I had to give up the Dish and switch to cable to get high speed internet conection for work as I work from home a few days a week.

Allan Fisher replied:
The channel that has the railroad video tapes is RFD Cable channel - which has nothing to do with Dish TV - it is shown on many PBS channels in the late evening / early morning hours. RFD TV could be on any channel on your cable or Direct TV/Dish TV system - spend some time on the Guide feature and see if you can find - they show all company's videos - Herron Rail, Mark I, and sometimes it is shown as Machines of Iron, and sometimes Trains and Locomotives.
Ed Lecuyer
Moderator, WW&F Forum