WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events
Halloween 2008
Josh Botting:
As we move forward into October, next weekend will be work weekend, and the week after that will be the Halloween Trains.
I guess I have become incharge of the Halloween portion which includes handling the HS kids, decorations, and station stuff.
I would like to open up dicsussions on what needs to be done and to try to set up a meeting this weekend. I know that Jason can only do Sunday, however if only Sat will work, than we may be able to meet than.
Please advise as to who is interested.
Josh Botting:
All Please see the email that was sent to the spy report distro:
As many of you may know we will be running the Halloween Trains on Friday the 17th and Saturday the 18th. For the event, the Wiscasset High School Student Counsel will be providing the scenes. We need eight volunteers, 2 for each scene, to oversee the scenes, in addition to the train crews. Last year we had multiple incidents with the students misbehaving during the event, so we need to be proactive in preventing these incidents.
Unfortunately the need for volunteers are needed from 3:30 pm until about 9:00 pm, the full duration of the event. While I realize that it will not be a pleasant experience for anyone involved, it is necessary for a successful event.
Please contact me with availability.
Thanks Jkb
James Patten:
We had beautiful clear weather both Friday and Saturday night. Unfortunately neither really drew the crowds. We had around 175 on Friday and between 250 and 300 on Saturday.
Flyers did go out to schools but there was no advertising that I know of.
Kids were better behaved this year.
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