About 4-5 years ago, I had extensive correspondence with a geology professor in California and a gentleman in Sao Paulo concerning the Perus-Pirapora cement railway. Both confirmed that the railway was in a state of suspended animation. This came about because the company had declared bankruptcy at about the same time the Brazilian government declared the property and all its assets a historical treasure. So the company could not dispose of assets to relieve the bankruptcy and the government would not permit any access to the property to preserve the railway. In more recent times, a preservation group has rehabilitated a short section of track and has a small 0-4-0T under steam on certain dates.
I believe in the archive of the old discussion site, there remain several lengthy threads on this subject. I believe there are also several YouTube videos of the operation featuring the 2-6-2 engines and also clips of the recent preservation effort including some views of the 0-4-0T currently in use on a short section of the line.