I had another nice chat with Carl tonight and I have good news of progress at Albion. Carl reported that the rest of the main line was set out and spiked today. The wheel sets to the Plymouth were placed on the rails and Carl anticipates that the locomotive will be placed on the wheels soon. Jody West (who was so helpful at the Albion Day Extra and helped out today) is anxious to have the engine under a temporary over so he can get it running. Rails were also placed near the siding. The scrap ties have been picked up and set out for pickup by a local man who has a use for them as a target backstop. Brush clearing has started or will start in the near future especially around the area near the turntable where some long ties are currently piled so they can be accessed for the siding. With all the progress that has been made this year I'm hoping many of you will consider joining us for the November Albion Day.