Duncan, Mike, Dana:
Is it time to plan another trip to the B&SR ROW? I thoroughly enjoyed the trip last Fall. Just before Thanksgiving last year I explored the little road that leaves 302 just before the B&SR crosses at Bridgeton Jct. It cuts through the ROW and then swings left and on it for a short stretch. This is the climb up Smalls Mt in East Hiram. The road swings back across the grade to an extensive gravel pit at the top. The grade with some moss covered ties can be seen at this point. This road connects with the road at Scribner's Mill. The grade continues as an ATV, walking trail from here to Rankins. I continued to Rankins Mill which you could see clearly with the foliage gone. It looks like much of the mill is still there although much modified. The grade past the Summit and to Hancock Pond should be less muddy than the northern stretch. I'll be up at Alna for the work session, maybe that's the time to organize.
Bob Meckley
Glen NH