WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Museum Discussion
Long Range Plan
Mike Fox:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the town requires a 5 year plan. Meaning what you expect to accomplish in the next 5 years. Or is it 2. I don't recall. But whatever their requirement, maybe that is how often it should be reviewed. And only updated when deemed necessarry
James Patten:
Yes, the town does require a 5 year site plan, which we are in the process of giving to the town.
Well, this is about the time to re-think the LRP because the fifth year will be upon us before we know it. I would imagine that any changes would just reflect the reality of the effects money, material and manpower have made some areas of improvement more or less possible and would reflect a prevailing attitude about the possibilities for the future based upon the capabilities of the present. Wow, that was a long sentence.
I'm sure the city has had the same problems and successes in its endeavors to make itself a better place.
Jock Ellis
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