MNGR Board authorizes restoration of B&SR #7! has been converted from the pre-July 2008 WW&F Discussion Forum.
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htbrandes wrote:The board voted last night to authorized restoration of BS&R #7 one of Maine's largest two foot steam locomotives. We will start work in January and plan to have her riding the rails in the summer or fall 2008 time frame. Look for lots of additional news, pictures, etc as this unfolds. Many potential plans are in the works: Alumni Guest Engineer Days, double heads, hopefully a visit to WW&F.
Our funds to date are a little shy of what we need but we have enough to go ahead and are confident that we will raise the remainder once we are under way and can show progress.
Could we possibly be working at a Fall 2008 all steam track weekend in Wiscasset? or maybe a Railfan weekend of the likes not seen before?
Stay tuned
Mike Fox replied:Congrats to you. Will be nice to see. Even better if we have 7,9,&10 in steam all at once.
tomc replied:Congrats to you. Will be nice to see. Even better if we have 7,9,&10 in steam all at once.
OH BOY!! Will have to save vacation so I can come back out again. That will be an EVENT to remember if it happens.
Tom C.
htbrandes replied:Worksession on Saturday, March 22: Finally a day with decent weather for our latest work session. Although it felt more like February, we rolled #7 out of the house to take advantage of light and space. A good turnout allowed us to take the pipes out of the smokebox, remove throttle valve from inside the steam dome, drill staybolts and take a lot of ultrasound readings.
This brought us one step closer to getting to Boothbay (no forecast date for this move yet) . We still have a lot of ultrasounding to do, more staybolts to drill and tube removal. All hard and dirty work, but we are making good progress.
What we still need is money. Another $5,000 would bring us much closer to where we need to be to completely fund this project. Please help bring one more steamer back to life.
Full report on our latest worksession will be on our website in the next few days.
htbrandes replied:Work session April 5, 2008: Another well attended session. Once again we were able to make big gains to prepare for our trip to Boothbay. Major highlights today:
- more ultrasounding (we are now over half done with this)
- removal of the ash pan and grates to allow access to the firebox
- start of the cutting and removal of tubes from the boiler.
Next work session is on April 19: more UT, more tube cutting and removal. By the end of that day we may have a better idea on when to send #7 up to Boothbay.
Full report on last Saturday's work session to be up on our website in the next few days.