Car 22 Progress March 26 has been converted from the pre-July 2008 WW&F Discussion Forum.
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Shawn Cavaretta wrote:Monday I was able to finish removing the old rotten framing on the waterside. I also remove the rest of the old sill. After a little prep work I stated to build the new sill. I have about 1/4 of the wood for the new sill cut and installed. I would have been able to do more but the sky opened up and I didn’t want my power saw to get damaged. Sorry no pictures this week brought the camera but forgot the memory chip.
The plan for next time is to finish the sill and hopefully start framing the wall.
Also in removing the old sill I found out that both end beams are rotted and need to be replaced.
Found out a little more history on car #22
While removing some of the interior wood work I came across some old edaville tickets and a couple of Freedomland USA tickets. Edaville leased the car #22 along with some other cars not known at this time. And also leased Monson #3 and #4 to the amusement park in the Bronx in New York.
htbrandes replied:Just to let everyone know that car 22 is now inside our museum. This means that our restoration crew will be working on this car during the winter and should have it ready to go for next season. Car 22 has a lot of sill rot in it and requires a flat surface in order to get the main timbers level, etc.
Look for pictures in the near future.