Author Topic: progress on car 22  (Read 6796 times)

Ed Lecuyer

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progress on car 22
« on: January 21, 2009, 10:47:16 PM »
progress on car 22 has been converted from the pre-July 2008 WW&F Discussion Forum.
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Shawn Cavaretta wrote:
well i got to mng at about 10. i had to spend about 1 1/2 clearing snow from inside the car because the tarps blew off. once that was dont i took some measurements of the wall framing so i can make a drawing up to have for when the car gets reframed.

then i started to cut out the rotten framing so i could acess the sill. i had to remove some of the rotten wood from the floor. then once that was dont i was able to start to remove the sill.

i have also started to mark and cut the new PT 2x6 that will be used to build the new sill.

i hope next week to remove the rest fo the rotten wall framing and sill.
then the following week build and install the new sill

check out the photo galery for pictures.

www mngrr org/car22gallery/38 html
(add dots were the spaces are after www and mngrr and before html)

Joe Fox replied:
Thanks for the info Shawn.

Ed Lecuyer
Moderator, WW&F Forum