WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events
Moving Rail and Ties
Dana Deering:
Hey Everyone,
The rail we'll be laying during the Work Weekend is scheduled to arrive this week so we'll need as many hands as possible on Saturday 9/13 to move it to the rail pile at the end of track. We also have ties to move. If we get the rail done in a timely fashion we could start moving ties. We also have ten foot ties on the way (delievery next week?) which will need to be cut in half, treated on the cut ends, moved, etc. So, I 'm sure there will be another day dedicated to tie work prior to the work weekend. We have enough ties on hand for about 900 feet of track which means we'll need 150 more to lay all the rail.
Mike Fox:
See you then. I have some oil we can use for the rail.
Dana Deering:
Update on ties:
I received word from Allan that we will be getting 5 foot ties (no cutting needed!) so that wil lspeed things up. They should arrive the week of 9/22 so we'll see you for tie moving on 9/27!
Gordon Cook:
I'll be there Sat. AM, around 9 or so. See you then.
Allan Fisher:
75 sticks of 60 lb rail unloaded, placed on Flats 118 & 126, along with joint bars, and shoved to end of track.
62 sticks of 70 lb and scrap 60 lb rail loaded on truck to go to Kovalchick for credit.
B&SR Tank moved a couple more feet from Track 7 to allow more clearance.
All done in less than three hours by our incredible forklift operator Steve Zuppa, and the rest of the WW&F's reliable OLD volunteers.
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