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Other MNG Happenings
Ed Lecuyer:
Other MNG Happenings has been converted from the pre-July 2008 WW&F Discussion Forum.
Some formatting may have been removed or modified from the original postings that appear quoted in this topic.
Information contained within this post may be superseded by more recent postings and conversations.
mainesteam wrote:
--- Quote ---Winter hiatus is over at the MNG, and for those of you who haven't checked our webpage we have an aggressive schedule this year!! Over the winter much planning has been for the coming year. The museum is undergoing a rearrangement inside, which included moving cars and the gift shop. In the works is a new display about the Portland Company, still in planning stages.
Of particular interest to some may be the 2 planned track weekends which are scheduled for May 19-20 and Oct 20-21.
Also of interest are our 3 Car Maintenace Work Days
April 14 and 28 as well as May 12
Also of note will be Steamfest extended to 3 days and returning to late September Sept 19-21 to be exact.
We are always looking for vistors and more volunteers. I think many will be pleasantly surprised by the upcoming changes, as the museum continues to push forward in maintenace and restoration!!
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petecosmob replied:
--- Quote ---This is excellent news!
I'm glad that "upward velocity" (as we say in the sub-force) has returned to MNGRR!
I am lookig forward to visiting you all again once I return from Iraq, who knows, #7 (or is it #8?) may be running by then!
Anyway, good luck, and keep the boilers warm for me till I get back!
Pete "Cosmo" B
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mainesteam replied:
--- Quote ---Thank you for thinking of us!! Ton answer your question about the next steam engine, well it depends.
As for engine 7 she will need an upgrade for fra compliance. The museum will start this as soon as funding for the WHOLE project is in place so we don't end up with an engine in parts! As of last check the museum still needs about 6,000 dollars for her.
As for engine 8 the museum is attempting to get a waiver for her for this year so we can run her for the narrow gauge convention. Engine 7 is in need of new tubes and engine 8's tubes should be ok which is why she was chosen, so if all goes well MRR 4 and B&SR 8 will run for the narrow gauge convention on August.
And don't forget to visit MRR 3 up on the Ol' Sandy River in Philips!!
Onwards and upwards!!
Keep your fingers crossed!!
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mwmoulison replied:
--- Quote ---Not to dampen people's spirits, but #7 requires a lot more than $6000 unless I have been totally in the dark. Let's try more in the $20,000-$30,000 range, and that's based on estimates in 2005.
I am now the volunteer grant writer for the MNG collection and have all the numbers regarding the engine. So unless we've recieved some donations I don't know about #7 is still a ways off.
However, #8 is going through a waiver process. We will keep you posted on that.
-Mike Moulison
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tomc replied:
--- Quote ---I thought he said it needs 6,00.00 more before they would start. Not that it would cost 6,000.00. Just my take.
Tom C.
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mwmoulison replied:
--- Quote ---That is incorrect information. May I ask who you spoke to? We will not begin the #7 project until we have all the money. We still need close to $30,000. Right now we have no plans to put 7 into service anytime soon. We either need to receive massive donations or receive several grants.
I worked a bit on 7 and 8 today. Basically put 7 back together cosmetically so we can bring her out as a display this season. We were going to start lapping the throttle on #8, but we held off as it was getting late in the day. We also need to remove all of the scale. We are going to take 8 out and trouble shoot for a blow-by on compressed air that she supposedly had the last year she was run. We still a far from saying she will run this year or not, but even if we do not get the go ahead she will benefit later for the TLC she is getting now.
We got all the new glass for #4's windows donated and she will be receiving new cut-levers this season.
We also got going on car 22 today. She's a lot worse than our car crew expected. Funds still needed badly for that project. We have a very good crew that do the best they can without significant financial backing.
Please come out and lend a hand or make a donation to our restoration projects!
-Mike Moulison
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