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MNG Trying to Restore Car 22


Ed Lecuyer:
MNG Trying to Restore Car 22 has been converted from the pre-July 2008 WW&F Discussion Forum.
Some formatting may have been removed or modified from the original postings that appear quoted in this topic.
Information contained within this post may be superseded by more recent postings and conversations.
mwmoulison wrote:

--- Quote ---Hey Everyone,

I want to give you guys an update out of Portland.  There has been a push amongst the volunteers to try to get the collection restored a piece at a time.

Right now we've selected car 22 which was built at Edaville in 1958.  This is a car we can take out of service that isn't too far gone.  We hope to have it donw for the convention.  All fundraising for this is being done outside of the MNG's budget and has been championed largely by myself.  We are looking for $60 donations which will each pay for a new window in the car that is shatter proof with a mahogany frame.  Since there are 34 windows this will be th emost expensive item.  I have contributed $60 along with about ten others to date.  I am expecting more fro within the organization but I am also looking for support in various denominations from other 2-foot fans.

I want to do this before the convention so our visitors can see what we are capable of with the right support.  I will also use this as an example when grantwriting for future work.

I send WW&F money annually and I believe any 2-foot restoration project is worth my support.

If any folks can help out please send checks made out to Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad marked "Car 22" on the check to the MNG Museum.  I greatly appreciate any assistance and I will keep you all posted on our progress.


-Mike Moulison
MNGRR Volunteer
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Shawn Cavaretta replied:

--- Quote ---plans for this weekend are going to be. to cover the coach and remove the body sag. once that is done i hope to start to remove the rotted carsiding and window sills.

if any one wants to help out meet me there ar 9am saturday and bring tools
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Mike Fox replied:

--- Quote ---Mike,
How about an address and to whom the check should be made out to. Sounds like a good idea.
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mwmoulison replied:

--- Quote ---All,

If any folks can help out, please send checks made out to Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad marked "Car 22 Window" on the check to the MNG Museum.

The Museum's address is:  Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad Co. & Museum
58 Fore St.
Portland, ME 04101

Also, out website is

Thanks for your help in advance!

-Mike Moulison
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