WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events
Hans Brandes:
Hey Guys,
What is your source for new railroad ties? Do you buy new or relay? We are replacing ties and are installing new 5 footers (following your practice). I have started making phone calls but have not had too many responses. Most people have a hard time when you tell them you want 5 footers. We don't want to use 4'-3"s, even though we have some out there, as 5s offer more stability.
Are you guys going to be buying any in the near future?
Thanks for any advice.
Ira Schreiber:
Check with Allan Fisher. We have a truckload of 10' ties coming in 10 days.
Hans Brandes:
After you saw them in half, do you treat the cut ends?
Dave Buczkowski:
We have a secret cache of creosote that we bought a few years ago. It's a messy job but someone has to do it!
Ira Schreiber:
We tried to treat the ends by taking them to Dairy Queen. This apparently did no good so we gave up on treating them!!
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