WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events
2008 Brushcutting
Allan Fisher:
The entire 2.5 mile Right of Way from 1000 feet south of Sheepscot Station to 1200 feet north of end of track has been completely cut. This work was accomplished by the same OLD crew, with a couple of newcomers, and was finished on August 31, 2008.
If we had had all of the 10 museum owned brushcutters manned (or womaned) on brushcutting week back in July, this annual project would have been finished weeks ago.
It is time for our volunteers to step up to the plate. This years revenue passenger statistics show that $4.00 a gallon gas has had little effect on our visitors - BUT - our volunteer hours have dropped off by a substantial number this summer.
Let's all pledge to give the WW&F a day, a week, or whatever we can next year so that we can continue with the splendid progress that the museum has been able to accomplish.
Mike Fox:
I was glad to be able to get in one morning of brushcutting. The right of way looks much better groomed. I for one next year would love to do more.
Bill Reidy:
Allan's message is something that should be repeated in the newsletter, since only a small fraction of our members read the forum. I think (hope?) more members would help with brushcutting if they understood the importance of this job. The right-of-way looks much better, making a much better presentation of the museum to the public.
- Bill
Stewart "Start" Rhine:
Good point Bill. Another reason for keeping the brush back is fire prevention. Weeds and brush get dry and burn easily in the Summer and Fall plus the grass strip gives us better control and keeps small trees from taking hold. The good thing about the WW&F is that our railroad is not a ride through a tunnel of trees.
James Patten:
--- Quote from: Bill Reidy on September 05, 2008, 08:09:41 PM ---Allan's message is something that should be repeated in the newsletter, since only a small fraction of our members read the forum.
--- End quote ---
I'm actually writing a similar such article for the newsletter, although Allan said it much better than I was saying it. I will be sure to mention the brush cutting.
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