My local narrow gauge museum in Fremont, CA is The Society for the Preservation of Carter Railroad Resources. The Carter Brothers built whole railroads; freight cars, passenger cars and other equipment between about 1874 and 1892.
Now the California State Railroad Museum has been house cleaning because they lost a large piece of their indoor storage.
They have given equipment to the Carter Brothers Society from the North Pacific Coast Railroad, a forerunner of the Northwestern Pacific RR going north from San Francisco to Eureka.
They had a narrow gauge line going to Point Reyes until about 1930. The NWP 5511 is a baggage caboose that may have been built by the Carters and its history is being researched as we read this.
The State Museum had it restored back in 1969; but as far as I know it has never been on display. The Society plans to redo some of the work as the car's details were not very well understood at the time.
For pictures i suggest a visit to the Carter Brothers web site. The Society has re-created a portion of the Centerville Branch of the South Pacific Coast RR which was pulled by horses for its entire existence between 1882 and 1909.
I walked through the caboose for the first time a couple of weeks ago and the visit was a long time coming! But I am glad to have had a chance to do it at long last!
Update in 2020: they have produced an excellent Historic structure Report on the car, using several newly discovered photographs of this very camera shy baggage caboose.
Ted Miles