Just got my September/Ocober '08 WW&FRR Museum Newsletter in the mail today. I was DULY impressed! While it may not have been the biggest ever, it was ceartainly one of the "meatiest."
After seeing all the grants the museum has recieved recently on a single page, one TRULY gets a feel for how well recognized the museum is. Add to that that amongst the NRHS grants given, WW&F got the largest of 13! Now THAT'S impressive!
Also, re-reading the naratives of the brake-equipment instalations on Coach 8 & flat 126 was still captivating, ev en though I remember reading the entire narritive (from BOTH authors) on here not so long ago.
I think of all the reports on #9's progress this was perhaps the most detailed and most encouraging, as it points to things going back together after the complete dissasembly.
And that's not to mention the report of the anual picnic & photo shoot which my daughter and I were fortunate enough to attend.
The folks who crank out the newsletters definitely need and deserve credit and support for thier role in keeping those of us "from-away-ers" informed on the progress "Up Nah-th!"
Great job guys! Hope to see yu all around Thanksgiving time
Pete Barrington,
Norwich, CT