WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events

Shop Annex


Jason M Lamontagne:
Hello folks,

As everyone knows our shop annex, which is essentially a stock room used for the purpose of maintaining usable workspace in the shop proper, has grown to be quite frustrating in its untidiness.  Wayne and Kitty Laepple used to keep after this when they were able to do so.  The lack of a space “keeper” over the last year has really shown.

Also as many of you know, my father, Joe Lamontagne, has been volunteering significantly of late- usually 5 days per week.  A couple months ago he offered to adopt the annex, give it a major overhaul and organization, and most importantly- he’s offered to be the keeper of that space once it’s under control.  He was a career warehouse manager at BIW and comes with a wealth of ideas. 

When he offered he asked if his proposal needed any sort of formal approval.  I didn’t think so as someone volunteering to clean up our mess seemed just dandy to me.  He’s now asked me to let folks know of this plan, so he isn’t bumping into anyone else’s potential plans.  He intends to tackle it as a winter project, beginning after Brendan is done needing him for the enginehouse project this fall.

Hopefully everyone else is as excited about this as me!


Mike Fox:
We have a lot that could use organization, but we need the self discipline to keep it organized. We can't be setting stuff down with the thought that we will take care of it later, or someone else will. For instance, the tool boxes in the shop. Very organized and have been kept that way. Putting tools back where they belong is a must. I hope the same is done with the Annex when Joe is done with it.

Dave Buczkowski:
Where has Joe been all these years? Let’s give him all the support we can. It’s hard to work on a project if you spend your time always looking for the proper tools or supplies. Thank you Joe!!!

Bruce Wilson:
One of the businesses I used to call on (for nearly 40 years) had a secure tool room. You'd need to sign out anything you needed for your work. Needless to say, a busy place. I got to know the clerk and one year, I noticed someone had made up a small hand painted sign with the man's name on one line, and "keeper of stuff" down on the next line. Maybe Joe would appreciate such a gesture? Or his very own "Aflack" duck? After all, he's a veteran of the Sammis project in Hancock.


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