WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events

Fall Work Weekend 2024

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Jason M Lamontagne:
Hi folks,

Thanks Ben for posting the small project list.  A couple minor caveats on two of those items: the house switch was never finish spiked as the closure rails need additional ramp down shimming.  If anyone is willing to lead this effort please check in with me and I’ll be happy to pass on details. 

I thought I had a flag on the turntable wall tie anchors but just doing the anchors is fine.  At some point those ties may need to be removed for an elevation correction on some of the enginehouse leads but having anchors in place won’t hurt as long as the studs can be removed from the anchors and the ties slid out toward the pit.  If the studs aren’t removable, the rails rolls have to be lifted to correct these tie thicknesses so that’d be a bother.


Mike Fox:

--- Quote from: Jeff Schumaker on October 06, 2024, 10:00:29 AM ---It appears in Mike Fox's photo of Saturday's N. bound train The Ladder could use a bit of maintenance.


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That is not the ladder. That is one of the better looking spots actually. Plenty of vegetation to be cut if someone wants to tackle that

Dan Malkowski:
Steve P had mentioned painting Alna Center Station and I further remember a discussion Jason and I had about applying another coat of paint to the boxcars that are currently on track 2 of the shop.

Benjamin Richards:

--- Quote from: Jason M Lamontagne on October 06, 2024, 11:23:44 AM ---I thought I had a flag on the turntable wall tie anchors but just doing the anchors is fine.  At some point those ties may need to be removed for an elevation correction on some of the enginehouse leads but having anchors in place won’t hurt as long as the studs can be removed from the anchors and the ties slid out toward the pit.  If the studs aren’t removable, the rails rolls have to be lifted to correct these tie thicknesses so that’d be a bother.

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Best to check with Brendan, I think he already has the materials. All the wedge anchors I've used have been one-piece and non-removable, but maybe they make different ones.

Kevin Kierstead:
The Koala changing station has been installed in the Men's room. Signage is now posted on the exterior door.
The board can now remove it from the work to do list! Yay!!


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