WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events

Fall Work Weekend 2024

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Dan Malkowski:
Hi All,

As I do not have specifics on other projects that might be happening during work weekend, I do however have the plan for the track work to be done.
The Track Project for this fall will be to lift and tamp some spots along our main line. Most of these spots are low joints along the portion of the line between the bottom of the ladder on rosewood crossing. There are other smaller track lifts at Hummison Brook Bridge and along the Mountain that we hope to hit as well. Along with the track lifts, I plan to be prepared with materials and equipment for tie changing as well, so that if we come across a tie in need of changing, we can do so. I plan to start bright and early with the first work train departing at 8, hopefully every morning, with a crew shuttle making a return trip to pick up any stragglers. I still have to finalize details with Nancy about lunch but I hope to return to having lunch out on the line where we are working.

I will have another post in the coming days with more finalized details.
Hope to see everyone at Sheepscot.
- Dan

Dante Lakin:
For other project leaders: What other work will be going on? I heard that Trout Brook station is getting platform work done to it, but what else will there be?

Jason M Lamontagne:
Full list of projects that I know of:

Mainline track maintenance (Dan Malkowski)
Trout Brook Station improvements.  (Brendan Barry)
Build11.  (Rick S/ Gordon C)
Coach 8 detailing.  (Eric Schade)

If anyone knows of others please do drop them in here.


Benjamin Richards:
Minor projects that have been bouncing around my head, would be suitable for self-directed crews of 2-3:

Finish spiking and tamping the house switch.
Finish fastening ties on the turntable ring (drill and install wedge anchors).
Collect old ties from ROW
Remove dry material from ROW (fire prevention) - mountain and cockeye are spots I've noticed.

Jeff Schumaker:
It appears in Mike Fox's photo of Saturday's N. bound train The Ladder could use a bit of maintenance.



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