Work done on Saturday Sept 28:
* Rule Class - Pete was running a rules class for some new prospective crew members.
* Notice board - Bill was pretending his last name is Solari by changing the notice board. He didn't make much noise while he was doing it, however.
* Engine house - Stewart was pretending to be Tom Sawyer and painting the interior of the engine house.
* Metal work - Joseph (and others) were heating, bending and pounding metal rods in interesting ways.
* Walkway - Mike and I worked on extending the crushed gravel walkway across the front of the car shop to the crossing, and tried to fill in some spots that typically get wet.
* Slow order sign - Dan and Bob made some slow order signs, and delivered them to their destination via Brookville
* Trailer - Bill painted a portion of the trailer. Mike replaced the missing tires on it.
* Clean out - Ed cleaned Sheepscot station, Caboose 554, and Alna Center station of event materials.
* Archives - Linda was getting to know the new archival program, with help from Daniel and me.