WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Museum Discussion
Road to Togus Photo Event
Mark Spremulli:
I attended the photo event on Saturday. As per usual the museum put on a hell of a show. I would like to acknowledge Kevin Madore for the great job he did managing the show and Dan for keeping us moving. Great job everyone. Here is the link to the photos. Video will be up sometime this week.
Kevin Madore:
I posted this over on the Narrow Gauge Forum last week, but for those who have not seen it over there, here's an album containing a few images that I captured during the recent "Road to Togus" event at the museum.
This event definitely got me interested in learning more about the Kennebec Central Railroad. I bought a copy of "Two Feet to Togus" in the gift shop and it has proved to be interesting reading, giving me some ideas for things we might do at future photo events. We now have the capability to re-enact three Maine narrow gauge lines, with just one locomotive, and in each case, she looks just like the historic photos.
This was an excellent event. Thanks to Dan, Ed and Eric for putting it together, and to the museum crew for executing it very nicely!
/Kevin Madore
Ed Lecuyer:
--- Quote ---Thanks to Dan, Ed and Eric for putting it together
--- End quote ---
Thanks to Dan and Eric. Ed didn't really do anything to put this particular event together - and full credit is due to Dan and Eric for pulling it off, with assistance from many others.
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