WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events
Boxcar 56 for Hobo Service
James Patten:
Bob, it was going to be used as a tool car, but that was never a really popular idea so the use for it has changed.
Andrew Toppan:
Seems like there are trunks at the local dump every weekend. I'll grab one if I see one soon.
Used barrels can be sourced from breweries, but they'll stink of beer (and often bourbon from their prior use), which smells lovely at first but then turns into a sticky sweet mess that attracts bees. So perhaps ignore this idea, or be prepared to wash them out thoroughly. (it's possible I know this from experience)
Ed Lecuyer:
--- Quote ---Used barrels
--- End quote ---
BTW, the barrel that was hiding the well head in Sheepscot yard did not make it through the winter. If someone has a suitable replacement (ideally stained in some preservative for longevity) that would be a welcome addition.
Stephen Piwowarski:
Could we create some shipping crates that would hold our folding tables and chairs as a part of storing/managing those supplies?
It occurs to me that the chair crates, with chairs stored on their side would make pretty great benches, and the table crate would make a nice table.
Gavin Dalessandro:
this is a very cool idea, while I have seen passenger cars made out of old box and stockcars, this is a entirely different approach and i actually kind of like it
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