WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events

Boxcar 56 for Hobo Service

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Dan Malkowski:
A few of us have been milling over an idea to have Boxcar 56 enter, for lack of a better term, Hobo Service on some if not most of our regular passenger trains. The main reason for Boxcar 56 being our pick, is the advantage of the livestock doors on all four walls for added light when the car is in service as well as provide a mixed train look to the train. The idea behind this, is to have a dedicated car host that would entertain the passengers. Inside of the boxcar, the boxcar will be dressed up the way a boxcar would look like back in the day with large trunks, crates, barrels, etc. with the passengers being able to sit on said trunks, crates, barrels, etc.

We would like to implement and try this as soon as the car is finished but the only hurdle as of right now is finding material to furnish the inside of the boxcar.

Is there anyone that has any large trunks, crates (big or small), wooden barrels, and or any other items of the sort that they be willing to donate towards this cause?

The other possibility for some of the larger crates would be to ask if anyone could build or make a medium or large wooden shipping crate?

Any other ideas are certainly welcome.

John Kokas:
A very interesting concept - one I have never seen before.  I think you may be onto something - especially for school charters.  Good Luck !!

Graham Buxton:
Riding mowers are often shipped in wooden crates (protects the machine and allows forklift handling  & stacking).  Typically the crates are 'one-way' so the dealers end up having to get rid of therm. Asking local mower dealers may be useful. A mower crate may be more 'open' than a traditional  crate but that is easily remedied  with more scrap wood, perhaps salvaged from a different crate.

Daniel Moreau:
It may also be a good idea to add in a few burlap sacks for decor. I have one, but it's clearly marked for a modern rice company. If it can be dyed, I would like to donate it

Mike Fox:
The old crates were made out of box wood, which was only about 1/2 thick and rough cut for the most part. Would be easy to make some as long as the wood can be found.


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