Like most members; I had never heard of Sandstone Estates Ltd. So I looked for it on Google, where else? It is an extensive farm museum with an operational Twenty-four-inch Railroad and a static display of Fourty-two-inch (Cape Gauge) locomotives and other items like a steam cane and a caboose. The web site shows a map of the active track; but not scale so I can not tell just how much track it has. The video on their site shows several locomotives in service; but no roster as such.
There are a large number of buildings which house equipment displays like tractors from steam to gas power. And stationary machinery including a gas engine powered washing machine!
As usual with farm museums there are lots of animals: oxen, cattle and chickens and others.
The have a Facebook companion site to go with their own home page. Like the old saying goes; Try it you will like it!
Ted Miles, Long time WW&F member