WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events
So. African Hoppers 2806 and 2807 - Official Work Thread
Ed Lecuyer:
Some photos, courtesy of Dave B.
William Simonton:
To finesse the Knuckle Coupler/Link & Pin use by a railroad, Climax (the manufacturer of Janney Couplers back in the day) and Climax Mfg. Co. (the locomotive manufacturer) used a Knuckle Coupler with a Slot in the Knuckle. Due to the lesser size, strength & mass on the couplers the railroad is using, that may be unworkable.
Bryce Weeks:
A lot of the railroads equipment have split knuckles, it's how we've been coupling it to equipment with a "bent special link" with the exception to #52 we just remove the coupler and direct link and pin couple it. It works very well. Just need for extra precaution when coupling. (The use of a wooden stick to hold up the link). I'll try to remember to get a photo of our link.
Jon Chase:
Here is the photo of the Vale of Rheidol's SAR ballast hopper showing the modifications I described above, which appears in issue 326 of Heritage Railway. The magazine's photo credit is to Vale of Rheidol Railway.
Again, it appears that there are now two control wheels at each end, operating what may be enclosed chain mechanisms that allow each of four new discharge gates to independently dump ballast outside or inside of the rail. Besides the addition of handrails, the inward-angled "coal boards" are an interesting modification.
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