WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events

So. African Hoppers 2806 and 2807 - Official Work Thread

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Bill Baskerville:
They also have antique airplanes some of which are still flying.
Their collection also includes World War I and World War II military equipment.

James Patten:
Sandstone used to have their own "Mountain Extension" - a loop around one of the hills at the northwestern end of their line.  Erosion and theft during the pandemic caused them to lift it.  Their Garratt locomotives would pull trains on special occasions around that loop.

John L Dobson:
Cape Gauge is 3'6" – 42"

--- Quote from: Ted Miles on March 27, 2024, 06:37:52 PM ---Like most members; I had never heard of Sandstone Estates Ltd. So I looked for it on Google, where else? It is an extensive farm museum with an operational Twenty-four-inch Railroad and a static display of Thirty-inch (Cape Gauge) locomotives and other items like a steam cane and a caboose. The web site shows a map of the active track; but not scale so I can not tell just how much track it has. The video on their site shows several locomotives in service; but no roster as such.

There are a large number of buildings which house equipment displays like tractors from steam to gas power. And stationary machinery including a gas engine powered washing machine!

As usual with farm museums there are lots of animals: oxen, cattle and chickens and others. 

The have a Facebook companion site to go with their own home page.  Like the old saying goes; Try it you will like it!

Ted Miles, Long time WW&F member

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James Patten:
News from South Africa: two of the three containers are on their way to the Port of Durban!

John Kokas:
If containers are moving, does that mean all the money was raised already?  Or have we negotiated a financing option?


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