Some photos taken this morning. Dan Malkowski led a crew of Dante Lakin, Dom Nesta, Nick Anderson and myself on the Mountain grade between Top of Mountain and Fossel's.
Dan handled the blower, while the rest of us cleared larger branches and/or raked the ditches.
Just south of Location 1. The pine needle litter has been cleared from the track behind Dan, while some litter remains in the foreground.
At Fossel's, just before we headed back to Sheepscot.
We've has a lot of rain this winter, and the ditches were wet today in this section. Once they dry out, another pass with the blower should be made. Walking a bit north, I found a lot of deciduous leaf litter on the track in the area of Locations 2 and 3. This litter is very wet. Since this area does not get much sun, I suspect we need a week+ of warmer, dry weather so the material dries out enough for blowing.