WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events
Volunteer Recruitment Day - Rescheduled to April 13th 10AM-2:30PM
Stephen Piwowarski:
Hello All,
Saturday March 23rd April 13th, the WW&F will be holding a Volunteer Recruitment Day. The basic schedule is as follows:
10-11:00: small group tours of Sheepscot, to gain familiarity of the campus from the volunteer perspective (so beginning in the Percival house with sign-in and fanning out from there.)
11:00-11:30: Lunch in the Percival House
11:30-1:30: mixed train and return with a possible volunteer project along the way.
1:30-2:30: volunteer information session- prospective volunteers can meet with department heads in the positions they are interested in.
2:30: end of the day participant raffle.
There will be light refreshments available at Sheepscot throughout the day.
If you have a friend or acquaintance that you’ve wanted to bring down to the WW&F or know someone who would be interested in volunteering, this would be a great day to bring them down to learn about the WW&F in a low-pressure situation.
People respond best to personal invitations and are more likely to connect with the railway if they have some personal connection bringing them here, so keep that in mind.
Hope to see you there!
Ed Lecuyer:
In the Wiscasset Newspaper:
James Patten:
Also the Lincoln County News.
Ed Lecuyer:
Due to inclement winter weather being confused with spring, the volunteer recruitment and information session has been rescheduled to Saturday, April 13, 2024.
Select volunteer leaders will still be on-hand on Sat., March 23rd, from 10am - 2pm if anyone wants to meet with us during the storm.
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