i must have missed something. What is XCart Engineering? Are we building our own fleet of pedal power buggies? Actually I think that would be a money maker for all those days when we don't have scheduled trains.
I believe this is the track car for the new Kubota excavator, described at
"In Progress: Kubota Excavator and Track Car
"After reaping the benefits that the tamper and tracklaying gantry brought to MoW activities, the WW&F wished to further increase in efficiency and productivity track maintenance. Earlier this year, the WW&F partnered with the Candelaria Foundation, who generously granted $100,000 for the purchase of an excavator and construction of a car which it can work from. The car’s design has been finalized and we are ready to order the materials to construct it. Once operable, the combined Excavator and Track Car will enable mechanized tie changing, ditching, roadbed repairs, brush removal, and other critical functionality."