Anticipated work for Fri - Sun April 26 - 28: Spring Work Weekend!
* Food: Nancy and helpers will be serving lunch all 3 days, supper F&S, and possibly breakfast S&S.
* Track: Dan will be leading a reballasting effort in various spots along the line, in anticipation of jacking/tamping later in the year.
* Alna Center: Mike will lead an effort to clean up and neaten up the area, and the road leading in (Saturday).
* Sheepscot station platform: Brendan is leading the effort to rebuild the platform, and may even try to lower the freight shed.
* Loco 11: Jason is leading the construction work
* Coach 8: Eric is installing the other baggage door on Coach 8, and needs help. Guess we'll have to call it combine 8.
* Vacuum brakes: Dante, Dom and Nick will be working on this
* Car cleaning: Cub scouts and leaders will be cleaning cars on Saturday afternoon.