It's taken about 2 weeks to sort through the 2,300 or so images that I captured during our Winter Photo Shoot on February 3rd & 4th. I've put together a Flickr Album of some of the best from the weekend, so that folks who could not attend, or who were busy doing real work, can see what it looked like. Basically, it was an excellent show. It went off about as well as any of us could hope for. We had great weather and the crews did a great job putting on the show. So many people went the extra mile to ensure that everyone had a good time, from the folks who planned and executed the operations, to those who fed the visiting photographers, and the crew that finished the roundhouse and made it ready for the night session. Speaking of that, I'd like to thank my friend Dak Dillon for doing a great job with the lighting, and running a fast-paced night session that featured a whole bunch of scenes, and which started and finished right on time. It was a pleasure to work with this entire team, and I think we learned a lot of things in the process of running this event.
And now, to the photos: Thanks!
/Kevin Madore