WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events

Brush Cutting Saturday 12/30/23

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Mike Fox:
With no snow on the ground, I would like to continue cutting and trimming along the ROW. The first spot I would like to get is North of ML&M, hopefully making it to the trestle and beyond.

As long as there is little to no snow, I would like to continue that through January. So please plan to join me.

Bill Reidy:
Weather permitting, I plan to be in Sheepscot on the 30th and will join the cutting crew.

Ed Lecuyer:
We have a new volunteer coming up from PA, Corey Ponikvar, who will also be joining the cutting crew.

It would be ideal if we could also hit the areas identified by Kevin Madore for the photo event:
- Albee's Field (south end and either side of Albee's crossing).   The south end of Albee's on the east side would be our sunrise shot, weather permitting, but the crossing further north can be used in either direction.
- Rosewood.  Most important is the west side.   Folks like the shot with the "Two-Foot Jukes Tree."
- Top of the Mountain.   Mainly making sure the ROW is clean.   Special emphasis on that spot Mike cleared just east of the cemetery location.   That can be a nice, early afternoon shot of the train arriving.
- MP 6 west side of the ROW.  MP 6 is key, because there are 3 shots there, two of which require the ROW on the west side of the track to be clean.
- Sutter's Crossing.  This shot is good in the morning on the east side, and may be the last shot of the day in the afternoon on the west side.
- Davis Grade / Davis Curve.   Brendan is very familiar with this location.  We've used it before.
- Eastman Lake (the little pond just north of Davis Curve).  The ROW on the west side of the track.

The photo event will be brining in thousands of dollars of revenue to the museum; we need to have this work done.

Mike Fox:
Let's not clutter this thread with possible locations that need cleared. We did Davis Grade, curve and by Eastman Lake last year. We need to focus on work to be as productive as possible, and not jump from location to location, otherwise that is all that will get done, as has happened in the past. We have tree limbs where I have planned work that are almost touching the train.

My goal is to continue this work Saturdays during January as long as the weather holds and while there are no trains. If all goes well, we could be by Albees Field the 2nd Saturday in January.

John McNamara:

--- Quote from: Ed Lecuyer on December 22, 2023, 08:10:18 PM ---We have a new volunteer coming up from PA, Corey Ponikvar, who will also be joining the cutting crew.

--- End quote ---
Please be sure he knows where the magphone line is. Scott, Joseph, and I will be thankful. :)


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