Work week of December 4, 2023
I apologize I forgot to post this earlier.
I worked on improved brick arch crossmembers.
Bob L worked on loco 9’s smokebox and we made a plan to change sand in the sander.
Brendan worked on enginehouse door hinges.
Steve L, Brian W, Leon W, Adam Fletcher changed a tie near ML&M crossing, inspected and cleared crossings from SS to ToM.
I retrieved vacuum brake components (from Lewiston) for Jerry and Carlos to install on trucks.
Jerry and Carlos continued the vacuum brake install on coach 3’s (current south) truck.
I removed the relevant parts of the prototype brick arch frame and welded new members as needed.
Brendan began building a new door.
Eric and Ron continued painting dark green with Epifanes Jason’s counsel.
Jason and Bob will install the revised brick arch, then remove old sand from box.
Eric and Ron will paint 1/2 day.
Brendan will likely continue door assembly.
Harold may be in to work on no 11 rear truck.
Bob and Roger may load new sand if it comes.
Brendan enginehouse doors likely.
I’ll be working on a cad project.