Hi All,
I went into today knowing we were going to have a busy day thanks to our Fareharbor booking reports. At the end of the day, I totaled up our Fareharbor ticket sales for the day- 453 ticket sales spread over 7 trains. This does include some caboose charters, which means the actual passenger count is likely slightly higher. Aside from the 3PM train, all were sold out. To help put this number into perspective, according to the October Treasurer's Report we have carried 4,575 riders during January-September. Today we carried 10% of our YTD ridership in a single day- safely and, by nearly all passenger accounts, happily. This also represents an increase of more than 100 passengers in comparison to the same Saturday last year.
I am beyond thankful and grateful every person who has contributed on the railroad to help make this possible- in every department and area of work. The special contributions and talents that each volunteer brings to the table make the WW&F a special and memorable place for our visitors and for all of us.
With gratitude,
Steve Piwowarski