Work completed Tuesday and Wednesday 18-19 July 2023
* Freight station cribbing built. (Brendan, Steve Lx, Brian W, Paul, Ellen, Tyshawn, Leon
Dan, Nick, Rick S, Joe D)
* Engine house batten/insulation continues. (Fred, Stewart, Brendan)
* Locomotive #11 work session (Rick S, Gordon C, Harold, Jason, Quentin B))
* Passenger car trucks/Vacuum brakes (Jerry, Carlos, Phil B)
* Coach #9 (Eric, Ron, Seth, Lou)
* Gift shop/mail on going (Cindy R)
* Vehicle repairs (Jay B.)
* Archives work (Linda, Randy)
* Charter, late afternoon (Agritourism Meeting SL farm. (Ed, JB Smith)
* Track crew lift, level, tamp Mtn Ext.
(Steve Lx, Brian W, Steve Lt, Paul, Ellen, Leon, Tyshawn, Dan, Nick, Joe D)
* Locomotive #11 work session, the frame gets turned over
(Rick S, Gordon C, Harold, Quentin B, Pete, Cody)
* Coach #9 (Eric, Ron, Seth, Lou)
* Engine House batten/insulation continues (Stewart, Fred, Brendan)
* Archive work (Linda)
* Mowing (Randy)
* Rolling Stock, grease/oiling (Phil B)
* Admin, various areas (Jason, Ben R, Bob H)
* Track crew continues work on the Mtn Ext. (Steve Lx, Steve Lt, Brian, Leon, Joe D)
* Tool repair and maintenance (chains saws, trimmers) (Brian W)
NOTE: some volunteers and or projects may have been missed.