Work completed Tuesday and Wednesday 21-22 February 2023
SS campus: Campus clean to include Engine House, Machine shop, freight station, parking lot.
(Fred, Stewart, Leon, Jarred, Jason, Brendan, Steve Lx, Steve Lt, Brian W, Randy, Dan)
Coach #9: Work continues. (Eric, Ron)
RR Ops: Switching, rail crane returns to SS for unloading, yard switching, storm prep.
(Dan, Steve Lx, Brian W, Steve Lt)
Passenger trucks: Rebuild continues including parts and pieces fabricated for vacuum brakes.
(Jerry, Carlos, Jonathan-off site)
Archives: Work continues (Linda)
Gift shop/mail: Continual/on going (Cindy)
Engine house: Shingling, 2 windows put in. (Brendan, Stewart, Fred, Zack, Randy)
Archives: Work continues (Linda)
Coach #9: assembly/build continues (Eric)
Trout Brook Station: Maintenance (Brendan, Randy)
Notes: Fred’s birthday party hosted by Sonja, Zack, Linda and attended by everyone. You might ask how old Fred is, you’ll just have to come to the railroad and ask him. Happy Birthday Fred!