Work completed Tuesday and Wednesday 7-8 February 2023
* Freight station canopy prep continued. (Brendan, Steve Lx, Brian W, Steve Lt, Paul R)
* Passenger car truck rebuild continued. (Carlos, Jerry)
* Coach #9 assembly/build continues (Eric)
* Locomotive #9, fired and test run to TOM. (Roger, Wes C, Dan)
* Track inspection, crossing clean out, switches checked. (Steve Lx, Brian W, Steve Lt)
* Engine House shingling and trim boards. (Stewart)
* Shop clean up (Fred)
* Gift shop/Mail on going (Cindy R)
* Archive work continues (Linda)
* Coach #9 assembly continued (Eric, new volunter)
* Locomotive #9 maintenance (Roger, Wes C)
* Vacuum brake work continues (Jason, Jonathan)
* Car inspections (Joe Fox)
* SS clean up (Brendan)
NOTE: #52 must be plugged in at the end of the work day, insure the extension cord is also plugged into the bay #4 electrical outlet.