Work completed Tuesday and Wednesday 14-15 February 2023
* Freight station canopy removal and loaded on flat car (photo’s on Discussion and FB pages}
( Brendan, Chesterfield Associates, Brian W, Steve Lt, Steve Lx, Randy, Dan)
* RR ops, switching/movement of canopy in north yeard.
(Jason, Dan, Steve Lx, Steve Lt, Brian W)
* Passenger truck build/vacuum brakes, brake can brackets, linkage universal clevis made/formed
Jerry, Carlos, Jonathan)
* Engine house, shingling continues on west wall (Stewart)
* Shop clean up/stove maintenance (Fred)
* Archives work (Linda)
* Freight station piling work continues. (Brendan, Chesterfield Associates)
* Engine House west wall shingling (Stewart)
* Admin work (Jason, Steve Lx, Randy, Roger)
* Coach #9 build, interior work continues (Eric, Seth)