Photos from the second day of Spring Work Weekend, April 29th.
Painting crews were busy on caboose 554 and open car 130.

Nancy Weeks and crew have provided excellent meals this weekend.

A large group worked in several groups on tie replacement and tamping between Trask's and Rosewood crossings. A lead crew pulled expired ties and inserted replacements. Crews followed spiking the new ties. Joe Fox followed with the tamper
Wilmar tamping the new ties and occasional low joints. Here a crew spikes some of the first replacement ties just north of Trask's.

A lead crew pulls expired ties and inserts replacements near Alna Center.

Replacement ties inserted (light in color), spiking crews approach Alna Center.

Joe Fox follows up with
Wilmar. Watching the tamper in action is impressive, as in Joe's hands it makes short work of tamping that would have taken much longer by Big Joe.

A train led by No. 9 provided support. In the late afternoon, volunteers aboard the train collected the expired ties.

The train also towed
Wilmar back to Sheepscot at the end of the day. Here Joe Fox (left) talks with other volunteers during a brief stop at Alna Center on the trip back south.

Dan Malkowski led Friday's garden track construction and today's tie replacement work. Despite being busy, He did have time for some laughter today with Bryce Weeks.