WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events

Sheepscot Passenger Platform Reconstruction - Official Work Thread

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Keith Taylor:
I don’t think a “work bench” would work as a place to sit. The “table” height is usually at waist height, which means if you sit on what had been the work surface…..nobody (except possibly Paul Bunyan) would have their feet hit the ground.
And if you look at the castings…the feet are at different heights, so you would have to prop the rear legs on some sort of blocking. And the “seat back” is absolutely vertical, which would be quite uncomfortable. Most seat backs are slightly reclined. Work benches are meant to be just that…..and not a place to sit.

Bob Holmes:
The bench legs are of different lengths, and would result in a slight leaning backward of the bench seat, hence not a vertical back.  I would worry more about about backward instability.

Keith Taylor:
Bob, the offset appears to be about five inches…that would be one heck of a reclining position!
And that still doesn't’ address the height of the front legs.


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