WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events
Sheepscot Passenger Platform Reconstruction - Official Work Thread
Bill Baskerville:
perhaps we should get a quote for castings and offer that price to the Old House Parts folks.
John Kokas:
It's not worth the time and effort of making a pattern just to play price comparison. Either make new ones or buy used and take your chances.
Stephen Piwowarski:
I suppose if we like them, we could buy 1 at $45 and use it as a pattern to make many more for less.
John McNamara:
--- Quote from: Stephen Piwowarski on August 26, 2024, 09:17:01 PM ---I suppose if we like them, we could buy 1 at $45 and use it as a pattern to make many more for less.
--- End quote ---
Heck, let's be big spenders and buy two. Then we'll have a bench to sit in while we contemplate our wisdom.
Philip Marshall:
Since the resulting castings will be slightly smaller than the original used as the pattern, shouldn't we buy 2 so we at least have a matching pair of originals that can still be used to make a bench?
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