WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Work and Events

Sheepscot Passenger Platform Reconstruction - Official Work Thread

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Jeff Schumaker:
I'm sure someone at the museum knows how it was obtained.

Jeff S.

Benjamin Richards:
I was going to write, "That's just a generic Vienna Convention sign" but I went and checked, and it turns out every country has their own variation on the image. Some ten-wheelers, some 0-6-0's, some 0-8-0's, etc. And the one in the gift shop is definitely the French one. The locomotive silhouette is black, instead of dark blue.

Alas, I don't know where it came from.  ;D

John McNamara:

--- Quote from: Bill Reidy on November 24, 2022, 08:52:57 PM ---With the lower platform, how will guests in wheelchairs enter the cars?  Will the portable metal ramp still work?

--- End quote ---
How will the lower platform affect access to the gift shop (single door and multi-door)?
-John M

Ed Lecuyer:
The gift shop / freight shed will be lowered to match the new platform height. Sheepscot Station will be getting a step, as it's pilings are independent of the platform and are in good shape.

Jeff Schumaker:
What will be the process of lowering the freight shed?

Jeff S.


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