WW&F Railway Museum Discussion > Whimsical Weirdness and Foolery
New WW&F Event
John McNamara:
--- Quote from: John Kokas on September 27, 2022, 07:51:43 AM ---You could always get a couple of chairs and bolt them down to a flat. Cleaning on the fly and fits all the Covid protocols. ;D
--- End quote ---
I refer you to a Larson Powell photo on page 5 of the November/December 1995 issue of the WW&F Newsletter. The caption reads. "Parlor car 'Sheepscot' (alias WW&F Flatcar No. 118) and passengers on maiden trip down mainline 11/18/95." I believe Steve Zuppa and James Patten are occupying the front seats with Jason Lamontagne standing directly behind them.
James Patten:
Yes, that's me and Steve Z, with Fred and Marcel behind Jason sitting. Don't know who the second standing person is.
john d Stone:
Will there be a practice drill prior to this event?
Ed Lecuyer:
Ironically, after the comment was published, we were contacted by a local pediatric Dentist to host an office get together in conjunction with SeaLyon Farm.
We are actually going to have a "Molar Express" at noon on 10/15!
Gordon Cook:
I hope they will return before 2:30. ???
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