This is an update to show that someone has implemented a QR code on a '
live' sign, on the side of Coach 9!
Photo by Bill Reidy linked from the Coach 9 thread here:,2944.msg52694.html#msg52694And it just occurred to me that, if Marketing chose to do so, it would be possible to track the effectiveness of each QR coded sign (or particular groups of similar signs) by making a web 'landing page' for
each sign (or group). Add a page view counter to that web page, then auto-redirect to the page with the actual content (in this case the Donation page).
There wouldn't necessarily need to be viewable content on the [dummy] pages with the counter, as the redirect would happen as soon as the counter incremented and its unlikely the viewer would even notice.
In a sense, this could track the effectiveness of each different exhibit/sign (with a separate QR and landing page counter) at driving traffic to the Donations page, for example.