Work completed Tuesday and Wednesday 24-25 May 2022
* Track crew preps and moves out to TBS to lay out the turntable leads.
(Steve Lx, Steve Lt, Leon, Brian, Paul, Stewart)
* Passenger truck rebuild continued with welding/grinding on the frame (Jerry, Carlos, Jason)
* Vacuum brake work testing continued on the diaphrams (Jonathan)
* Small motor repair, lawn mowers etc. (Jay Barta)
* Complete railroad tour (Eric, Jason) Jason might add more info on this.
* Rolling stock greasing and oiling (Phil B)
* Archives work continues (Linda)
* Vehicle repair (Brendan)
* Track crew spikes and lines turntable leads. (Steve Lx, Dan, Brian, Steve Lt, Stewart, Fred)
* Locomotive #11 crew continues work on the tank frame. (Rick, Gordon, Jason)
* Vehicle repair (Brendan)
* Rolling stock grease/oiling (Phil B)
* Mowing SS campus (Fred)
Notes: Various volunteers stop in, check on progress, doing various tasks, Dave B, Bob H, Bryce
are just a few. Cindy R. is continually working on mail and gift shop sales, Fred came up and helped drive a few spikes (Yes, Fred still has it!). There is always something going on.
Join the fun, Dan is looking for a few volunteers to help ballasting on Saturday around TBS. If your new to spiking, this is a good time to show up and Dan can show you the how to spike (yes, there is a correct way).