Work completed Tuesday and Wednesday 17-18 May 2022
* Track crew prepares for arrival of #53, spiking panels, blocking, tools etc
(Steve Lx, Dan, Brain W, Steve Lt, Leon, Paul, Jay B, Dwight)
* Vacuum brake testing continued (Johnathan, Randy)
* Passenger truck rebuild continues (Carlos, Jerry)
* Coach #9 assembly/build (Eric, Ron)
* Campus clean up (Stewart)
* Rolling stock oiling/greasing on going (Phil B)
* Unloading GE #53 (Jason, Dwight, Steve Lx, Steve Lt, Brian W, Paul, Dan, Leon, Jay B)
* TBS ballasting, return of flat #126 (Dan, Brian W, Paul)
* Track crew prep TBS ring rail ballast, lining and leveling.
(Steve Lx, Steve Lt, Leon, Brian W, Dwight)
* Vacuum brake continues testing of diaphragm’s (Jonathan, Randy)
* Mowing SS campus (Randy)
* Campus clean up, trash run (Stewart)
* Small engine repair (Jay B)
* Setting of the TBS turntable (Jason, Steve Lx, Steve Lt, Leon, Brian W, Dwight, Brendan,
Jeff Varney and crew)
Notes: This has been and still going work week. Work in various areas has been on going and will continue through the week from parking lot rearrangement to shops to TBS and more. You have to appreciate those that aren't seen or heard from but contribute on a regular basis. Before it’s asked, “Yes turntable works” and “Wayne… it’s really big”.