Work completed Tuesday and Wednesday 8-9 March 2022
* Track work, the track crew broke up frozen ties, sawed up/stacked and strapped 168 ties.
(Fred, Steve Lx, Steve Lt, Brian W, Leon, Paul R, Brendan)
* Shop work, Vacuum brakes design/build, test equipment being built. (Jonathan, Randy)
Passenger truck rebuild continues (Jerry, Carlos)
* Coach #9, the assembly continues, last seen, a lot of sanding going on. (Eric, Ron)
* Locomotive maintenance, steam crew continues to clean and test (Wes C, Roger, Jason)
* Archives, continually on going. (Linda)
* Track crew, bundled ties for Trout Brook Sta. loaded on crane car. (Steve L, Chuck, Brendan, Leon)
* Shop crew, vacuum brake work continued. (Jonathan, Randy)
* Coach #9 work continues, (Eric, Ron)
* Archives work, (Linda)
* Gift shop/mail continues (all week). (Cindy R)
Notes: Engine house waiting on better weather , generator repair is waiting on parts.